My second presentation at Porto.Data (April 20) was about the two approaches, migrations and state, for database source control. During the presentation I explored the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. For migrations approach I used the tool Flyway and for state approach I used Redgate SQL Source Control.
Besides presenting the pros and cons of each approach my goal was also to show that two approaches can be needed in different parts of the system, or at different times in the development process. Size and complexity of the databases, team’s capabilities or preferences and development processes will be factors that will influence the adoption or the variation between the two approaches.
Here’s some “sensations” collected from the audience:
- This presentation is especially useful for those who’s starting to implement database source control and want to know the available options/approaches;
- The meaning of “introduction changes in the database” or his effects/implications are not very familiar concepts to the audience;
- The management/articulation of changes between databases and applications is not a clear process or necessity for the audience. There remains different/separated views for databases and applications (next presentation/challenge: show how to deploy an application and a database together).